What are the SSL Types? | SSL Certificate Guide

What are the SSL Types? | SSL Certificate Guide

What are the SSL Types? | SSL Certificate Guide

We will talk about SSL certificate companies and the commonly used certificate types of these companies. While doing this, we will provide detailed information so that you can understand which certificate type is most suitable for you.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a protocol used to ensure the security of data sent over the internet. SSL is used primarily for e-commerce, banking, and other online transactions.

SSL serves two main functions, privacy, and authentication. The SSL protocol encrypts data from the user’s browser before sending it to the web server. This prevents attackers who want to steal or change data over the internet connection from reading or stealing the data.

SSL also uses digital certificates to authenticate a website. A digital certificate contains information about the identity of a website, and this information helps visitors know whether the website is secure or not.

SSL encrypts data transfer using the HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) protocol and thus ensures the security of the data.

SSL Certificate Types

The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol provides three different types of SSL certificates:

Domain Validated (DV) SSL Certificates

Domain Validated (DV) SSL Certificates are one of the simplest SSL certificates and provide a level of verification where only the domain name owner is checked. These certificates provide website owners’ customers with at least a level of security regarding the website’s identity. DV SSL certificates are typically used for blogs, personal websites, small business websites, e-commerce sites, etc. It is used for lower-risk websites such as.

DV SSL certificates are available through a simple verification process and are low-cost. The verification process is the confirmation by the domain owner of the verification email sent by the SSL certificate service provider. Once the verification process is completed, the website owner can obtain the SSL certificate and install it on the website. DV SSL certificates ensure that all data traffic on the website is encrypted.

Organization Validated (OV) SSL

Organization Validated (OV) SSL certificates use a more comprehensive verification process to verify the identity of a website. These certifications are generally suitable for medium and large businesses.

OV SSL certificates require documentation to verify that the website owner’s business is genuine. These documents may include business registration documents, business licenses and tax returns. The verification process is carried out by the SSL certificate service provider and once the verification process is completed, the website owner can obtain the SSL certificate and install it on the website.

OV SSL certificates provide more information about the identity of the website owner and a higher level of security to customers that the website is secure. OV SSL certificates are more expensive than DV SSL certificates but offer users more assurance about the identity of the website.

Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates

Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates are SSL certificates that require the highest level of verification process. These certificates use the most comprehensive verification process to verify the identity of the website and provide more detailed information about the identity of the website owner.

EV SSL certificates contain a green lock icon that provides detailed information about the identity of the website owner. This green lock icon further reassures users that the website is secure and indicates that the website is owned by an authenticated business.

The verification process for EV SSL certificates uses one of the most comprehensive methods to verify the identity of the website owner. This process requires the website owner to submit business registration documents, business licenses, tax returns, and other identification information. The SSL certificate service provider reviews the documents and once the verification process is completed, the website owner can obtain the SSL certificate and install it on the website.

EV SSL certificates are more expensive than other SSL certificates but offer users the highest level of assurance that the website is secure. Therefore, it is especially recommended for websites with high-security requirements, such as websites where financial transactions are made.

Certificate Preference Suitable for Your Website

To determine the right SSL certificate for you, you first need to determine what type of website you have and your needs. Websites where sensitive information is exchanged, such as e-commerce sites or sites where financial transactions are made, may prefer Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates as they require higher security.

Organization Validated (OV) SSL certificates may be suitable for sites where organization information is verified. For simpler websites such as blogs or personal websites, Domain Validated (DV) SSL certificates may be sufficient.

You can also find the SSL certificate that suits you by comparing prices and features between different certificate providers. The certificate provider’s customer support and technical support are also an important factor, so it’s worth considering these as well.

SSL Companies and Certificates of These Companies

There are certain brands and various SSL products of these brands. In this article, we will try to briefly explain these brands, what SSL types they offer, and which SSL product does what.

Many companies sell SSL certificates. Some of them are as follows:

  • DigiCert
  • Sectigo (formerly Comodo)
  • GlobalSign
  • Thawte
  • GeoTrust
  • RapidSSL
  • trust
  • Symantec
  • Let’s Encrypt

Most Common Certificate Types

You can choose the most common SSL certificates and the certificate that suits your needs.

Rapid SSL DV

Rapid SSL DV (Domain Validated) SSL is an SSL certificate offered by Rapid SSL. This certificate protects a single main domain or a single subdomain. The key features of this certification include a fast approval process, simple installation, and affordable price. Rapid SSL DV certificates, like other DV certificates, only verify the domain name and do not contain organizational information. Therefore, there are some factors you need to consider when evaluating whether it is suitable for your business. For example, if you have an e-commerce site or online banking services, a stronger certificate such as EV SSL may be required to provide greater protection for customer security. However, for a simple blog or personal website, Rapid SSL DV may be an option that is affordable and provides adequate security.

Rapid SSL Wildcard

Rapid SSL Wildcard is an SSL certificate offered by Rapid SSL. This certificate protects one main domain and all subdomains. For example, a certificate can protect the domain “*.example.com” and all subdomains such as “mail.example.com”, “shop.example.com” and “blog.example.com”. Rapid SSL Wildcard is supported by many web browsers and is known for its simple and fast installation. This certification is ideal for small and medium-sized businesses and offers an affordable solution. Rapid SSL Wildcard also offers security features such as 128-bit encryption and 24/7 technical support.

Positive SSL (DV)

Positive SSL is a DV SSL certificate offered by Section (Comodo). This certificate protects a single main domain or a single subdomain. It offers simple installation features with a fast approval process. Positive SSL lets your customers see that your website is secure and ensures data traffic is encrypted using the HTTPS protocol. However, Positive SSL does not verify organization information, only the domain name. Therefore, there are some factors you need to consider when evaluating whether it is suitable for your business. For example, if you have an e-commerce site or online banking services, a stronger certificate such as EV SSL may be required to provide greater protection for customer security. However, for a simple blog or personal website, Positive SSL may be an option that is affordable and provides adequate security.

PositiveSSL Wildcard (DV)

Positive SSL Wildcard (DV) is an SSL certificate and provides security for a domain and all subdomains. This certificate is validated through the Domain Validation (DV) process, which simply verifies ownership of the domain name you own. Positive SSL Wildcard is a quickly deployable and affordable option and is suitable for simple websites, blogs, and small businesses. However, it may not be enough for corporate websites and large businesses.

Comodo EV SSL

Comodo EV SSL is an Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificate and provides a high level of security. This certificate offers SSL/TLS encryption and a full verification process, along with additional features such as a green lock icon in the address bar and a display of your organization name. These features show your customers that your website is trustworthy and prevents fraud attempts. Comodo EV SSL is a suitable option for corporate websites and large businesses that want to increase the security of their online transactions.

Instant SSL (OV)

Instant SSL is an Organization Validated (OV) SSL certificate and, like other SSL certificates, encrypts the communication between your website and your visitors. However, it goes a step further and includes a verification process that verifies your organization’s identity. This shows your customers that your website is trustworthy and that they are contacting a verified business. Additionally, HTTPS and the lock icon appear in the address bar. Instant SSL is a viable option for online businesses and is especially preferred for e-commerce sites, financial institutions, and other corporate websites.

Instant SSL Pro (OV)

Instant SSL Pro is an Organization Validated (OV) SSL certificate and in addition to all the standard security features available in SSL certificates, it also includes a verification process that verifies your organization’s identity. The certificate encrypts the communications of your website and your visitors and includes a business name. Additionally, HTTPS and the lock icon appear in the address bar. Instant SSL Pro is a particularly suitable option for medium-sized and large businesses and is preferred by e-commerce sites, financial institutions, corporate websites, and other businesses.

We made a brief introduction of the products. Now we will give information about the installation of these products.

CSR Code

The first step in certificate installation is to create a CSR code.

The CSR creation process is the same for all certificate products. It should be noted that TR characters should not be used when creating CSR. The name of the website should be written in the common name section and should be created with 2048 bits. If you have chosen a Wildcard certificate, an * sign must be placed at the beginning of the website to include your subdomains in the common name section when creating CSR.

Certificate Verification Methods

After making your SSL selection, you can immediately activate your SSL with the certificate verification methods below.

Verification Methods in Dv Certificates

In DV (Domain Validated) certificates, you need to verify that you own the domain name. This verification process is generally accomplished through three methods:

Email Verification: The certificate provider sends a verification email to your email address in your domain’s WHOIS records. By following the instructions in this email, you can confirm that you are the actual owner of your domain name.

File Verification: The certificate provider may ask you to upload a file to your domain. Once you upload the file to the right place, the certificate provider checks it and confirms that you are the real owner of your domain.

DNS Verification: The certificate provider may ask you to add a DNS record to your domain. When you add this DNS record, the certificate provider checks it and confirms that you are the real owner of your domain.

Any of these methods can provide sufficient verification for DV certification.

Verification Methods in OV Certificates

Organization Validated (OV) SSL certificate verification process is carried out according to the procedure determined by the certificate provider. The process usually includes the following steps:

Certificate request: The website owner requests an OV SSL certificate from the certificate provider and provides the necessary information.

Authentication: The certificate provider requests documents to verify the identity of the website owner. These documents may include information such as business records, business licenses, government identification documents, and invoices.

Business verification: The certificate provider can contact the relevant authorities to verify that the website owner’s business legally exists.

Domain verification: The certificate provider applies domain verification steps to control the website. These steps are typically performed using methods such as email verification, DNS record verification, or file verification.

Certificate issuance: After the certificate provider verifies the identity and business information of the website owner, it issues the OV SSL certificate. This certificate provides SSL encryption necessary for the security of the website and verifies the identity of the website.

OV SSL certificate verification can typically take between 1 and 5 business days. After the certificate provider verifies the website owner’s identity and business information, the OV delivers the SSL certificate to the website owner. The website owner can start using the certificate by installing it on the website.

Verification Methods in EV Certificates

Extended Validation (EV) certificates are SSL/TLS certificates with the highest level of security used to authenticate and secure websites. EV certificates are subject to a more comprehensive verification procedure than other types of certificates. Validation of EV certificates is done through the following steps:

Certificate request: The website owner requests an EV SSL certificate from the certificate provider and provides the necessary information.

Authentication: The certificate provider requests documents to verify the identity of the website owner. These documents may include information such as business records, business licenses, government identification documents, and invoices.

Business verification: The certificate provider can contact the relevant authorities to verify that the website owner’s business legally exists.

Phone verification: The certificate provider can verify by calling officials at the website owner’s business.

Domain verification: The certificate provider applies domain verification steps to control the website. These steps are typically performed using methods such as email verification, DNS record verification, or file verification.

Certificate issuance: After the certificate provider verifies the identity and business information of the website owner, it issues the EV SSL certificate. This certificate provides SSL encryption necessary for the security of the website and verifies the identity of the website.

EV SSL certificate verification process is like the OV SSL certificate verification process but has a more comprehensive verification procedure. EV certificates are indicated by a green bar or lock icon in the address bar of websites and allow users to access the website securely.

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